Eagle Biomass Inc. Specialists in Renewable Feedstock security and sustainability Project Strategies in scale, technologies and team components. Eagle Biomass Inc. offers consultant affiliate services for Renewable Energy Project planning and development. Our modular approach allows immediate action for a project even if the project funding has not yet been completed. There are key components that can be established, operating and self sustained while funding and project details are completed.
The principles of Eagle BioMass are well-established in the “green” arena, named Illinois recycler of the year in 1994. EBI has also developed collection/ logistics for construction, demolition, and organic waste materials with source separation handling increasing mass tonnage during the Housing bubble.
EBI recognizes the Renewable Energy Industry has a need for what it has developed the past 23 years. The company’s existing business development team stands ready to demonstrate the proper renewable-fuel plant, both in concept and in scale. The company is well-positioned to license their collection /logistics for feedstock and Energy Center design to existing businesses and communities. Eagle BioMass Inc. brings a unique solution to leverage current waste materials for project feedstock sustainability not currently being utilized, and bring much sought after waste to energy capabilities to those communities they serve!
• Cellulosic Ethanol
• Advanced Biodiesel
• Electricity
Renewable Energy in your community will keep money and jobs in house while giving the community more freedom and independence
• The trade deficit removed as monies stay here, being paid to our farmers and area businesses.
• Foreign oil dependence reduced, keeping our money from funding our enemies.
• Reduction in land filled materials.
• Reduced emissions through 85% cleaner burning fuel.
• Better economy and cost of living.
• Reduction in forest fires as areas have reason to thin out and harvest shrubs and overgrowth for their feedstock.